Average Grade Calculator By Percentage

Avg Grade Calculator (Percentage)

Your average grade is:

Keeping track of your grades can be overwhelming if you hate doing the maths. Therefore, just use our average grade calculator to get your overall grades using your percentages from different parts of your course. Aside from a percentage grading system, it supports letter and point-based grades.

See how to use the Average Grade Calculator by percentage. We’ve also included a section on how to calculate your grades by percentage. Read that if you’re worried the calculator might be giving incorrect results. But just know, it’s usually accurate.

Get Your Average Grade Online By Putting Percentages

Our online calculator helps you figure out your course grade using weighted averages. You can input either percentages, number grades, or letter grades. You can also see what score you need on future assignments to hit your target grade for a course! 

Steps To Use the Average Grade Calculator

Use the following steps to calculate your average grade. 

  1. Choose Grade Type: Set it to “Percentage”. Now, you can enter percentage-based scores.
  2. Enter Assignment/Course Names (Optional): Label each assignment as “homework,” “exam,” or “project.” This will help keep scores organized for ease of understanding but it’s not required. You can put simple 1, 2, and 3 as well. 
  3. Grade Percentages: Enter the percentage grade you received for each assignment or test. For example, if you got an 85% on your first test, type that in.
  4. Set the Weight for Each Grade: Put in the weight of each score as a decimal. If your grades are unweighted, just type “1” for all. 

Calculate Your Average Grade: Click “Calculate”. And you’ll get your average grade based on your percentage scores.

Bonus! You can also find out the grade needed for your target average. See what grade you need on upcoming assignments to reach the average grade you want. 

How To Calculate Average Grade By Percentage?

Anyone can calculate their average grades using percentages but it takes time. Use the calculator or this method: 

  1. Write Down Categories and Weight for Each Category

Start by identifying how much each task or subject category contributes to your final grade. This information is usually in your class syllabus. Here’s an example of category weights:

  • Participation: 25%
  • Quizzes: 15%
  • Homework: 20%
  • Final exam: 40%
  1. Add Then Divide 

Now, calculate your average grade for each category. Add up all the scores in a category and divide the total by the number of assignments or tests in that category.

Example: If you had four quiz scores: 88%, 92%, 82%, and 99%, you would first add them together:

88 + 92 + 82 + 99 = 361

Then, divide that total by 4 (since there are 4 quizzes):

361 ÷ 4 = 90.25

Your average quiz score is 90.25%. Repeat this for all other categories.

  1. Time to Multiply 

After calculating the average for each category, multiply it by the category’s weight. First, change the weight from a percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.

Example: So, a quiz that’s worth 15% will be 0.15. And the average score will be:

90.25 × 0.15 = 13.54

This 13.54 is your adjusted grade for the quiz category. Do this for each category.

  1. Add Up All the Adjusted Grades

After you’ve calculated the adjusted grade for each category, add them together. The total is your final weighted grade.

Example: If you had the following adjusted grades:

  • Quizzes: 13.54
  • Homework: 18.4
  • Participation: 22.5
  • Final exam: 36.8

You would add them up:

13.54 + 18.4 + 22.5 + 36.8 = 91.24

So, the average weighted grade is 91.24 %. This means you get an A as an average grade by percentage. 

Grading System Our Calculator Uses 


Overall, it’s easy to get your average grade. However, in a weighted grading system, each type of task is placed into a category, and each category is given a percentage or “weight.” These weights add up to 100%. 

So, the calculation can take time. Just use an online average grade calculator by percentage to save time! If your average is low, do not be disappointed and focus on those weaker subjects before things get worse.


1. How to figure out the average of grades with percentages?

You can figure it out by multiplying each grade by its percentage value. Then, add the results up and divide by the total percentage.

2. What grade is 75% in America?

Having 75% means you have a C+ grade. 

3. What is the percentage in the grading system? 

The US uses letters, points, and percentages grading systems. Like, A+ means you have 97-100% and F means 0–59%.